Signal Corps Archive: SC 271001 - Men of the 126th Inf., 3rd Bn., going down a hill into Santa Fe, Luzon, P.I.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 271004 - Patrol from I Co., 126th Inf., 32nd Div. on the search for Japs. Cagayan Valley, Luzon, P.I. 13 July, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: C-956 - Rubber boats launched over side of Auxiliary Personnel Craft by troops of 32nd Div. of Camp Cable, Queensland, Australia as part of their amphibian training at U.S. Navy Base, Landing Force Equipment Depot, at Nelson's Bay, NSW, Australia.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184744 - Capt. Elmer O. Navarro, troop commander and CO of G Co., 126th Inf. of 32nd Div., explains to his officers a last minute change of plan.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184755 - Organist, T/5 Cleo Huizengen of Zealand, Mich., 32nd Div., at organ, with congregation in background.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184766 - Lt. Howard Mann of Santa Barbara, Calif., operates a communication set on beach, during amphibious training of 127th Inf. Regt., 32nd Div., in Australia. 12 July, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184762 - Soldier of 32nd Div. stands guard while men run off LCIs during amphibian training of 32nd Div.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184799 - Pvt. James W. Davis of Datto, Arkansas, and Pvt. Finis Houser of Houston, Texas, linemen carrying an 80lb reel of field wire over a bridge on New Guinea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184655-1 - Men of the 32nd Division are standing outside the Information and Education Tent at the Headquarters of the 32nd Division. Taytay, Luzon, P.I. 11 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171588 - At the fighting front two soldiers string wire for communications between the 127th Regiment Command Post and the 5th Portable Hospital of the 32nd Division.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171587 - Photo of men advancing under fire, somewhere on New Guinea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171586 - Telephone operator makes use of a captured Japanese bunker for protection against enemy fire, at triangle point, while maintaining communications with the advanced forces.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335383 - Some of the men of the 120th F.A. which gave valuable support to the 112th Cavalry at Aitape, New Guinea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170689 - Men unloading foodstuffs from row boat preparatory to carrying it thru jungle path, somewhere in New Guinea. November 13, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170550 - Men of the 107th Med. Corps, 32nd Div., boarding plane at Ward's Drome near Port Moresby, New Guinea, for trip to [illegible], New Guinea. 11 November, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170688 - Men of a Cannon Co. crossing Eroro Creek, New Guinea, on their way to Embogu, which is about four miles from Eroro Mission. 14 November, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170690 - Colonel John J. Carew, Captain Michael DeFinna, and Lt. James D. Doughty on a reconnaissance mission up a jungle trail, somewhere in New Guinea, 14 November, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 107691 - Major John J. Carew examining a Japanese sword (officer's type) and Captain Emil Khail, of River, Wisc., examining a Japanese grenade thrower.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374732 - U.S. Army mules, 1945 Model, is the name that these infantrymen have called themselves.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364509 - Pfc. Harry F. Scott, Jr., of Haledon, N.J., of Co. C, 1st Bn., 126th Inf., stages one man war on Limon, Leyte, P.I.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364498 - Sgt. Harry Southerland, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Pfc. Biff Bifano, Sheboygan, Wis.; Pfc. Jack Isbell, Van Nuys, Cal.; Pfc. Loran Knight, Grandville, Mich.; Pfc. Joe Yonkers, New York City, N.Y.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364508 - L to R: Pfc. Waymen N. Ramply and Cpl. Perry Rowe(?), cal. .30 heavy machine gunners of the 127th Inf. Regt. supporting other elements of their Regt. on the Villa Verde Trail in the mountains between Sante Maria and Sant Fe, Luzon, P.I.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364511 - H Co., 2nd Bn., 127th Inf., 32nd Div. firing 82mm mortar on Jap positions along the Vila Verde Trail. 3 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364510 - Men of the Mortar Platoon, 126th Inf. Regt., 32nd Div., are shown firing the 81mm mortar on the Jap positions in in the Orboredo River sector, Luzon, P.I.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364528 - B Battery, 126th, 2 Gun Section throws some steel at the Japs. This 105mm howitzer is the registration gun for the Regiment as both the gun and crew are the most reliable.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364497 - Pvt. Jack Hunting, Texarkana, Texas, and Pfc. Alfred Livingston, of Company "D", 128th Infantry Regiment, at their 81mm mortar position on the front line.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166708 - Captured Jap 25 caliber machine gun ammunition.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166707 - Japanese breastwork taken over by soldiers upon the ousting of the enemy from the region. 21 December, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166666 - On alighting from a transport plane, soldiers adjust clothing and equipment. 15 December, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166665 - On alighting from a transport plane, soldiers adjust clothing and equipment. 15 December, 1942.