Signal Corps Archive: SC 190472 - Tank park of waterproofed M-7 mobile artillery. Salisbury, England. 22 May, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 208600 - Soldiers of the 77th Inf. Div. walk past mud-clogged tanks parked by the side of the road on Okinawa. 26 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364282 - Pvt. Herbert Reynolds, Dayton, Ohio, cleans his carbine using empty shells as a table during a lull in the fighting near Bastogne. 2 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335430 - 105mm self-propelled howitzer gets a cleaning from its crew, having been in the Siege of Brest, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335555 - The American armor moves forward through the shattered railway station at Palenberg, Germany, in pursuit of retreating German army units.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 336910 - An M8 75mm assault gun fires into positions of Germans while other cavalry units remain in yard of house listening and directing operations by radio of an armored car.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196159 - Returning captured Nazi ammunition, this 155mm gun crew are firing their piece towards the German lines.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329985 - VIII Corps MPs direct traffic at a busy intersection in Bastogne, Belgium. The congestion was caused by heavy troop movements into the Ardennes bulge. 28 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329834 - M7 105mm self-propelled howitzer of A Battery, 91st F.A. Bn., armored artillery, firing. 30 December, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329836 - Soldiers of the 1st Bn., 15th Inf. Regt., 3rd Division, landing on beach during staged invasion operations held near Mondragone, Italy. 31 July, 1944.