Signal Corps Archive: SC 195533 - Miss Betty Brittian, Pasadena, Calif., hands Cpl. Wm. B. Brooks, Clayton, Ga., inside the tank, a cup of coffee and doughnuts. 1 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195539 - Betty Jane Thomas, Seattle, Wash., a Red Cross worker somewhere in France, samples one of her own doughnuts while busily engaged in making more for soldiers. 1 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195540 - Sally Reed, Durham, Mass., a Red Cross worker somewhere in France, does a bit of KP on the large containers about her--and she doesn't believe in signs for they're all coffee urns. 1 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329719 - Members of an American Ranger unit file quickly through a Red Cross canteen tent for their last "snack" of doughnuts and coffee before leaving an English harbor to strike the initial blow of the last act in the world's greatest conflict.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329721 - At the newly opened Red Cross club in Cherbourg. Cpl. Charles C. Murphyel, of Brooklyn, N.Y., gets his share of Yankee doughnuts and coffee. Girls are French Red Cross volunteers. 29 July, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329722 - This is a shot of the mixed ARC girls and GIs using and distributing delicious 'O' Rations on the #1 forward hatch of the Liberty Ship 'Edward W. Scripps'...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329723 - An American Red Cross Clubmobile crew serves doughnuts and coffee to GIs at a replacement center on the continent.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329727 - Pvt. Garnett N. Early, of Harrisonburg, Va., receives an early morning cup of coffee from Red Cross worker Mary Jane Cook, of Jackson Heights, N.Y. Nancy, France. 19 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329726 - Brief rest in the Nancy sector is enjoyed over a cup of coffee and doughnuts by Lt. Samuel L. Kahn, of Dayton, O., a Military Police officer.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329730 - Infantrymen take break in fighting to enjoy coffee and doughnuts offered by Red Cross girls of Clubmobile "General Lee" somewhere in Luxembourg. 9 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: ARC workers distribute coffee and doughnuts to 91st Div. replacements near the Fifth Army front.
Signal Corps Archive: ARC workers distribute coffee and doughnuts to 91st Div. replacements near the Fifth Army front.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329748 - Red Cross girl helping men at one of the 5th Army rest centers prepare packages for sending home. 9 January, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329429 - Red Cross workers Nila Nevi, San Francisco, Calif., and Marge Busby, Claremont, Calif. ladeling out lemonade to Pvt. Fred Johnson, Russelville, Ala., who is among the soldiers loading for a future operation.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329751 - Harriet L. Bonsen of the American Red Cross from Church Hill, New Canaan, pours cream in the coffee for a member of Fifth Army. 11 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329750 - Pvt. Anthony Bellisola, Leyden St., Medford, Mass., receiving coffee from a member of the American Red Cross.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329752 - Helen Beko, Red Cross worker of St. Louis, Mo., serves doughnuts to Pvt. Freeman L. Dickey, Savannah, Ga., 7th Army soldier. France, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329753 - Xmas at the American Red Cross club in Palermo, Sicily. 25 December, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329768 - L-R: Sgt. Pierce Dewey, Crossett, Ark., 39th Combat Engineers;
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329773 - Members of the 80th Reconnaissance Unit fall in line for doughnuts and and coffee furnished from an American Red Cross Clubmobile in the vicinity of the Moselle River, France. 8 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329774 - Miss Helen Rehak, St. Louis, Mo., an American Red Cross Clubmobile girl, passes out cigarettes to members of an American reconnaissance unit who have halted their motorized vehicle near the Moselle River, France. 8 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329775 - Dee Kurtz, York, Pa., gives out doughnuts to a tank crew somewhere in France. 1 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329776 - Miss Peggy Maslin, Port Chester, N.Y., a Red Cross worker in France, shows a bunch of GIs her clubmobile autograph book, while Pvt. Wm. Putnam, Pittsfield, Mass., adds another name to it. 1 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329788 - Red Cross clubmobile set up between Ubach and Baesweiler, Germany, serves coffee and doughnuts to soldiers of the Allied nations. 21 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329785 - Shore party and other troops on the beaches at this most newly invaded of Japanese islands were astonished to see a Red Cross tent set up serving hot coffee and donuts shortly after D-Day. Okinawa. 6 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329792 - XIII Corps troops of the 9th U.S. Army line up for coffee and doughnuts at an American Red Cross clubmobile among the ruins of Wurm, Germany. 14 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329791 - Red Cross clubmobile worker Marjorie Wiegland, of Eagle River, Wisc., offers stick of gum to Belgian children near St. Vith. 10 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329790 - Nancy Hohgland, Orange, Va., American Red Cross worker, wipes face of French child waiting for issue of clothing in Nantes, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329789 - Men moving up to the front, in the snow, are getting hot coffee and doughnuts from an American Red Cross Clubmobile near the front.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329796 - First American Red Cross workers to leave Europe for duty in the Pacific are these girls shown waiting to board their transport: