Signal Corps Archive: SC 335400 - Soldiers of the U.S. First Army greet patrol of U.S. Third Army in the front-lines town of La Roche, Belgium, where men of the two American armies met for the first time on January 14th.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337213 - Signalmen of the 17th Airborne Division are laying wire through the town of Marnach, Luxembourg, to an artillery observation post.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199091 - Cpl. Charles S. McNulty, 2075 Beaver Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, stops for a moment of prayer before joining his division near Houmont, Belgium. 8 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199015 - U.S. Third Army armored vehicles park on a snowy slope near Morhet, Belgium. 9 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199090 - T/4 Harry H. Hynes, Box 665, Antlers, Okla., and Pvt. Frank Benicasa, 470 Park Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., right, read their mail in a barn near the front lines, in Rechrival.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201685 - Infantrymen of the 1st Allied Airborne Army are briefed at the marshalling area prior to taking off for the Rhine crossing and Wesel landing. Mourmelon, France. 23 March, 1945.