Signal Corps Archive:
SC 374762 - American infantrymen roll equipment into light combat packs in snow-covered French village somewhere in France in preparation for entry into front-line positions.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 337121 - Pvt. Wallace F. Burket, left, bazooka man with the 80th Infantry Division, U.S. Third Army, finds his brother, Sgt. Wm. C. Burket...
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 336904 - After the capture of Wadern by the 80th Division of the U.S Third Army, civilians move through the public square. 19 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 337112 - Infantrymen of 319th Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, 3rd U.S. Army, make a snow ball fight on the top of Mt. Feurkoge a mile above Ebensee, Austria.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 337124 - Aerial view of vehicles of the 6th German Army as they arrived to surrender to the 80th Infantry Division, 3rd U.S. Army, near Braunau, Austria. 12 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 337125 - Lt. Col. Tisachnee, representing the Russian [censored] (21st) infantry Division with his staff [illegible] greets with Col. George W. Smythe, Norristown, Pa., Assistant Divisional Commander, 80th Infantry Division...
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 336836 - A 3rd U.S. Army armored convoy lines the streets of Simbach, Germany, waiting to cross the bridge over the Inn River into Braunau, Austria, birthplace of Hitler. 4 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 337123 - After the signing of unconditional surrender, the 80th Infantry Division, 3rd U.S. Army, captured between 400,000 and 500,000 Germans who had retreated into the Alps in Austria.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 335272 - Infantrymen of the 80th Division, U.S. Third Army, enter the town of Kaiserslautern, Germany, only a few hours after the tanks of the 10th Armored Division. 20 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 335348 - Catholic soldiers of the 80th Infantry Division leave 500 year-old German church where they attended mass in Kaufbeuren, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 335316 - Infantrymen of the 80th Division of Gen. Patton's Third Army passing the Carl Zeiss Lens and Camera Plant in newly-captured Jena, Germany. 15 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 337126 - Maj. Gen. H. L. Mc Bride commanding general 80th Infantry Division, 3RD U.S. Army, and Maj. Gen. Woskrenensky (Voskresenskii), commanding general Russian [censored] (21st) Infantry Division, inspect Russian troops and tanks...
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 198842 - An American infantry patrol, wearing snowsuits, advances over a hill near Dahl, Luxembourg. 14 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 329773 - Members of the 80th Reconnaissance Unit fall in line for doughnuts and and coffee furnished from an American Red Cross Clubmobile in the vicinity of the Moselle River, France. 8 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 197157 - Three American infantrymen eat K Rations on Thanksgiving day in a dugout somewhere in France.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 329774 - Miss Helen Rehak, St. Louis, Mo., an American Red Cross Clubmobile girl, passes out cigarettes to members of an American reconnaissance unit who have halted their motorized vehicle near the Moselle River, France. 8 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 335277 - 3rd U.S. Army soldier guards German prisoners in the public square at Kaiserslautern, Germany. 21 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 193081 - Knocked out Tiger [sic] tank, the last vehicle abandoned by the Germans in their flight from Argentan, France, in the face of terrific American assault which liberated the town. 20 August, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 192984 - Yank infantry enter the town of Argentan, France, past a bullet-riddled signpost, evidence of the bitter struggle as the German Army tried to escape the Allies' pincer movement in this region. 20 August, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 193077 - This Yank tommy gunner crouches low as he dashes thru the streets of Argentan, lest some German sniper still in the city should take a pot shot at him. 20 August, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 193120 - American infantrymen of the 80th Div., 2nd Bat., 318th Inf. Regt., look at the American flag flying from the damaged front of the town hall in the French town of Argentan, which is a symbol of the liberation to its inhabitants...