Signal Corps Archive: SC 202712 - Capt. Thomas H. Garahan, Brooklyn, New York, raises American flag as Bitche, France, falls to the 100th Infantry Division, US Seventh Army, after a siege of many months. He was with the first troops to enter the town. 16 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196444-S - Seventh Army infantrymen move through rain and mist to assault a nearby town in the new advance on German held territory. Raon L'Etape area, France. 17 November, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 411770 - Infantrymen of Company, D, 399th Infantry Regiment, pass under the railroad station sign as they advance through Schirmeck. November 25, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 197682 - An American infantryman keeps firing while two of his comrades insert fresh ammunition in their rifles, as steady fire from this sheltered infantry covers advance near Rosteig, France. December 5, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 326564 - Infantrymen of Company C, 2nd Bn., 389th Regt., 100th Div., open Christmas boxes while they are waiting for orders to attack the Maginot line. Bitche area, France. 15 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196161 - The Century Div. arrived in the combat zone with the medics helmets prominently marked on all sides like the one worn by S/Sgt Roy G. Carlson, Pencer, Minn.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364323 - Pfc. David O. Lukins, American infantryman of the 100th Division, keeps watch on forward slopes of hill a few hundred yards away where Germans are dug in. Shells are falling a short distance away in this snow-covered woods in Reyersviller.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374722 - Pvt. George W. Rodgers, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Cpl. Steve C. Lipinski, 84th Engineer Camouflage Battalion, attached to the 100th Division, Seventh U.S. Army, finish painting a M5-A1 tank.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337277 - Tankmen of the 781st Tank Battalion, supporting the 100th Infantry Division, relax while awaiting the construction of a new bridge across the Neckar River in Heilbronn, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337280 - Infantrymen cautiously advances past a tank of 781st Tank Bn., in factory section of Heilbronn.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337379 - Sherman M4 tanks in the streets of fortress city of Bitche.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337282 - Bitter end. Downcast German prisoners rounded up in the clean-up of bitterly-resisting Heilbronn, are marched to the rear.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337250 - Men of the 325th Engineering Battalion stretch rope for a footbridge across the Wateree River, five miles west of Camden, South Carolina. 30 October, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335304 - A 7th U.S. Army soldier of the 100th Division looks out of O.P. overlooking the German city of Heilbronn. 9 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335307 - Infantrymen run through streets of Heilbronn, Germany, near former bridge site, while heavy concentration of German nebelwerfer, artillery and small arms fire continually rake this section of town.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335311 - Troops pass through Heilbronn after initial German resistance crumbled. 13 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335306 - Two Yank infantrymen cover their heads and hug the walls of destroyed building in bitterly-contested Heilbronn, as they hear the warning scream of a German Nebelwerfers coming in dangerously close.