Signal Corps Archive: SC 374829 - Patrol of 26th Division walks cautiously through the woods near Wiltz, looking for signs of enemy in the area. 11 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364310 - Machine gunners of the 4th Armored Division* covers tank crossing snow-covered field in the Bastogne corridor. 3 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 336822 - T/4 Warren J. Rothenberger, 39th Signal Company, 26th Infantry Division, surveys the burning heart of Sonnenburg, Germany, shortly after troops of the 26th "Yankee" Division stormed into the town.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337207 - Men of the HQ Battery, 102nd F.A., 26th Div., U.S. Third Army, check a forward line observation post on the outskirts of Wiltz.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337210 - Two linemen of the 101st Infantry Regt., 26th Division, check vital communication wires.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 336801 - Men of the 328th Infantry Regt., 26th Infantry Division, inspect a house for a possible sleeping quarters in the recently captured town of Serrig, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335275 - Troops of the 26th Division, 3rd U.S. Army, take over a building as living quarters in Huttersdorf, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199092 - 3rd Army infantryman lays wounded awaiting removal to aid station outside Wiltz, Luxembourg, during fighting for the town. 10 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199106 - A knocked-out Nazi tank stands near wrecked houses in Belgian town of Foy, near Bastogne, as 6th Armored Div., 320t Inf. Regt., 26th Div. halftrack passes. January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199093 - While enemy shells drop in the vicinity, American soldiers of the 26th Division unload supplies for 3rd Battalion outside a town in Luxembourg.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201440-S - Alert for a move from demolished buildings that might hide German snipers in besieged Saarlautern, Germany, machine gunners of 26th "Yankee" Division of 3rd U.S. Army, aim machine gun to cover advance of troops in one of the main streets.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201508 - T/5 Fred Michell, Hollidays Cove, W.Va., and Pvt. Edwin Bonce, Gallipolis, Ohio, linemen with the U.S. Third Army, check vital communication lines in Saarlautern, Germany. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201662-A - Capt. Sanford S. Golden, Cleveland, Ohio, uses his new power-driven drill made from a starter from a German car and two starter buttons on Pfc. Robert D. Bostnick, Warrenton, Va...