Signal Corps Archive: SC 364288 - Members of 3rd Battalion, 417th Regiment, 76th Infantry Division, clean their weapons before moving up to the line.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364332 - Left to right: Pvt. Ray Pennington, Princetown, W.Va., Pfc. Emory Neill, Griffith, Ga., and Pfc. Howard J. Stringer, Columbia, Miss., set up their machine gun to watch and harass the Nazi movements on the other side of the Rhine...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337215 - Pfc. Robert N. Mausfield, Sandusky, Ohio, right, relays firing orders to mortar crew in [illegible], Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337216 - Signal Corps cameraman S/Sgt. Raymond Graham, Los Angeles, Calif., carries his motion picture newsreel camera toward Holstheim, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 336786 - American soldiers look on as German civilians move their belongings in the town of Sulm, Germany. 6 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 396854 - Eating K rations somewhere in Germany are, left to right: Pfc. Marvin Beard, Reeves, Tenn., and Pfc. Philip Isaacs, New Haven, Conn.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201378 - Medics carry a wounded infantryman of Co. K., 304th Infantry Regiment, 76th Division, U.S. Third Army in Germany, across a footbridge to an aid station. Holsthum, Germany. 25 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201511 - From a hill overlooking Alsdorf, Germany, infantrymen of the 76th Division advancing to the front in a 2½ ton truck get a clear view of the burning town.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201510 - Probably dreaming of a soft, clean bed, Pfc. Herbert Reffne, Clerton, Wisc., an ammunition bearer with the 76th Division, catches a few winks on a row of ammunition boxes. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201609 - Lt. Theodore Andrewski of Co. B, 385th Infantry of the 76th Division, 3rd U.S. Army, gives his troops a briefing on an assignment they have just received, the cleaning out of a pocket of Germans near Speicher, Germany. 6 March, 1945.