Signal Corps Archive: SC 190541 - Portrait of Brig. General Leo M. Kreber, Commanding General of the 37th Infantry Division on Bougainville. 15 January, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364610 - A pillbox situated on the perimeter of Co. "E", 145th Inf., area, Bougainville.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364612 - Tommy gunner from G. Co., 148th Inf., firing at Japs from pillbox on Bougainville.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364584 - Lt. Earl V. Carlin, 737th Ord. Co., 37th Div., from Columbus, O., shown firing rifle grenade from the standing position, 1903 rifle and launcher and grenade, rifle, fragmentation, impact T2.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364601 - 20mm gun crew, 136th FA., 37th Div.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364583 - Lt. Carl V. Earlin, Columbus, O., 737th Ord. Co., 37th Div., shown firing rifle grenade from the kneeling position.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364603 - .50 Cal. machine gun in perimeter defense of Btry "A", 135th FA Bn., 37th Div.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364609 - .50 cal. MG of 199th AA, Btry A, located at perimeter of 145th Inf., 37th Div. commanding a draw leading to Lake Kathleen.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364611 - Soldiers from Co. A, 145th Inf., 37th Div., in position on a hillside where they had the Japs surrounded.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364575 - Crew of No. 1 gun load piece (105mm howitzer) to fire on enemy positions beyond the ridge in the distance.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364393 - New Georgia scouts or guides Bn.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364531 - 57mm and 75mm guns firing at Jap positions near [illegible], Luzon, P.I.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364506 - 37mm gun being placed on road to Megalang, Luzon, P.I.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334755 - Pvt. William J. Burick of New York City, N.Y., gunner, and Pfc. Lawrence E. Bratton of Swanton, Ohio, ammunition fetcher, man a .50 caliber machine gun in a dugout on the 37th Division Command Post's defense line.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334757 - A patrol of the 129th Infantry, 37th Division, crosses the Piva River on the way back to the front lines on Bougainville, Solomon Islands. 21 January, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334750 - Troops of Companies E and G, 132nd Inf. Regt., 23rd Division, cross a stream in an area devastated by shellfire during their advance on Japanese pillboxes near the Torokina River. 7 April, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334748 - A light tank of the 754th Tank Battalion in action against the Japanese at Co. G, 129th Inf. Regt., 37th Division perimeter on Bougainville, Solomon Islands. 13 March, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334743 - Firing at the enemy with concentrated rifle, BAR and grenade fire. Soldier at right center has just tossed a grenade.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334888 - Members of the 140th F.A. Bn., 37th Div. on Bougainville, from Cleveland, Ohio.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335375 - Officers of the 3rd Bn., 148th Inf.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334887 - Members of Hq Btry., 6th F.A., who represent the South on Bougainville in this outfit.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184774-S - Returning from a water-carrying detail over 800 yards of mountain trail for E Co., 145th Inf., 37th Div. on Bougainville, are, L-R:
Signal Corps Archive: SC 396829 - Two members of the 129th Inf., 37th Div., eating C rations beside gravestones at Baguio Cemetary, Luzon, P.I.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201626 - 129th Infantry Regiment, I Co., following tanks across Clark Field toward Ft. Stotsenburg. 28 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201615 - General Douglas MacArthur watches shelling of Japanese occupied houses from an artillery observation post in Fort Stotsenburg, Luzon, P.I. 29 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201652 - Two combat photographers on Clark Field, Luzon, P.I., take pictures of the 129th Inf. Regt., 37th Div. in action. 29 January, 1945.