Signal Corps Archive: SC 190560 - Men of the 163rd Regiment, 41st Division caterpillar tractor ashore. Southwest Pacific area. 22 April, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190555-S - In their slit trench which is half filled with water these troops cook cocoa in a Jap pot.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190556-S - Sgt. Sam Marinkovich, Anaconda, Mont., Sgt. Raymond Pasvogel, Davenport, Iowa, write up daily paper "The Cyclops Sentinel". Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea. 4 May, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190500 - No caption.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190499 - First and second waves on the beach at Wakde Island, comprised of 41st Division troops, crowd together on the beach where they are pinned down by Jap [illegible] and sniper fire. 18 May, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190565-S - S/Sgt Floyd A. Ott, Jerone, Idaho, of 41st Div., cleans rust off M2 machine gun by means of a buffer. Hollandia, New Guinea. 8 May, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190495 - Tanks of the 41st Division line up along the beach at Arawa, Wakde Island, Dutch New Guinea. May 18, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190562-S - Men of Co. A, 163rd Inf., push a jeep which has stalled, out of the water after it had been unloaded from an LST at Arara, Dutch New Guinea. May 17, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: These 41st Division soldiers on Wakde island, Dutch New Guinea, apparently standing idle with 'full pack' are waiting for the advance [illegible] to return from the airstrip.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374823 - Patrol of the 162nd Inf. Regt. advancing towards the Biak island airstrip. 10 June, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: 190552 - No caption.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 170698 - Pvt. Floyd West, Pfc. Charles R. Cooper, and Pvt. Alex Williams are shown painting hand grenades. Australia. 27 October, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184756 - Chaplain Owen Monahan of 41st Div. Artillery holding services at newly-captured village in New Guinea, for men not actively involved in the battle 300 yards ahead. 25 July, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184828 - Troops of the 163rd Infantry Regiment of the 41st Divsion are shown aboard a transport plane somewhere in New Guinea. 10 July, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184829 - A wounded American soldier is lifted aboard a transport plane for a flying trip to to a hospital.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184759 - One of the 105mm guns showing the barrel protruding from camouflaged position at Saluse Village, Saluse Lake, north of Nassau Bay, New Guinea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184800 - Cpl. H. H. Everhart receiving message over radio for battery to move out of bivouac area to firing positions during test given to the 41st Div. in Australia.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184826 - The Japs were in a hurry when they left and did not bother to take the anti-tank gun being inspected by Capt. Walter Skielvig of Palo Alto, Cal., aide de camp to Maj. Gen. Fuller of the 41st Div.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184767 - Capt. R. M. Martin of Saint Mary's, Idaho; Col. William Jackson of Portland, Oregon; at gun position in New Guinea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270671 - Men of K Co., 186th Inf., 41st Div., cross stream while on patrol in the Sibuko Bay Area of Mindanao, P.I.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184757 - 41st Div. fire their 105mm gun from emplacement under a native hut in New Guinea, on Jap frontlines.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184758 - Crew manning Bofors gun two minutes before opening fire on Jap installations in New Guinea, using their AA gun as field artillery weapon.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190497 - No caption.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 271381 - Troops of the 3rd Bn., 163rd, 41st Div., start moving towards Zamboanga after being pinned down for half hour by Jap mortar and artillery fire.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 271382 - Troops of the 3rd Bn., 163rd Regt., 41st Div., advancing towards town - Jap pillbox at left.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166705 - The gun crew sets the gun in a well-camouflaged jungle position during a night problem over difficult terrain. Rockhampton, Australia. 1 December, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 1666846 - Tests given to men in Australia.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166685 - Tests given to men in Australia.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166673 - Col. Edward A. Routheau, Provost Marshall, questioning men on the duties of an MP. Rockhampton, Australia. 26 November, 1942.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166674 - Col. Edward A. Routheau, Provost Marshall, questioming men at a "prison camp" during a problem showing how the Military Police take care of enemy prisoners during war.