Signal Corps Archive: SC 246897 - Pvt. Jesse Kenner, Mooresburg, Tenn., of HQ Co., 501st PIR, 101st AB, depends on a bazooka to help him guard the road into Foy, Belgium. 11 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190625 - Members of an American Airborne unit use a captured German vehicle to haul water to the front lines. Carentan, 19 June, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190596 - Members of an American Airborne repair German vehicles for their own transportation. Here experimenting with a German tracked motorcycle.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190613 - American paratroopers move up to the front through the debris-filled streets of St. Sauveur. June 16, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190610 - Members of an American Airborne unit man a 57mm anti-tank gun near Carentan, with a disabled Mark IV tank in the background.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196325 - American Airborne forces check each other's gear before loading into aircraft which will carry them into Holland for still another invasion of what was once Hitler's fortress Europe.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364285 - Pfc. William J. Ottersbach, Louisville, Ky., a member of the 327th Glider Infantry, 3rd Battalion, 101st Airborne Division, cleans his rifle during a break near Poy, (Foy?) before pushing on to the front.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190601 - Dead American soldiers being unloaded and lined up for identification and burial. St. Mere Eglise, Normandy, 12 June, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335339 - Airborne troops occupy several small towns surrounding their area.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335340 - Yanks go on a boat ride tour of Konigsee. Sightseeing U.S. troops on Konigsee pull out into lake. 17 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364284 - Cpl. Jesse Donahu, Mullins, W.Va., left, and Lt. Robert W. Meyer, Mt. Vernon, N.Y., examine German machine pistol found abandoned in the woods near Monaville.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199109 - Cpl. Lloyd C. Hood, Concordia, Kan., a member of the 101st Airborne Division, takes time out to wash his feet.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199016 - This dead yank was felled while fighting with fellow soldiers to drive Nazis from a heavily wooded area near Bastogne, Belgium, where Germans were entrenched. 10 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 190626 - Chaplain of an Airborne unit holds a prayer service for the dead of the unit in the square of Carentan.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329953 - 101st Airborne Division on the road between Bastogne and Houffalize, Belgium, as they move up to stem German drive. 19 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329955 - Anti-tank gun on guard against attempted German breakthrough on Bastogne. 26 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329789 - Men moving up to the front, in the snow, are getting hot coffee and doughnuts from an American Red Cross Clubmobile near the front.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195545 - Cpl. Jaap W. Bothe, San Antonio, Texas, formerly of Rotterdam, Holland, gives some advice to a Dutch farmer who is giving Yanks a lift to the front lines near Son. 19 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199090 - T/4 Harry H. Hynes, Box 665, Antlers, Okla., and Pvt. Frank Benicasa, 470 Park Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., right, read their mail in a barn near the front lines, in Rechrival.