Signal Corps Archive: SC 196557 - American infantrymen of Co. C, 1st Bn., [illegible] Regt., 104th Inf., conduct a house to house search for any remaining German soldiers after the capture of the German town of Eschweiler.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 411832 - "One People, One Empire, One Leader" Nazi propaganda sign reads at Halle, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 401648 - Combat infantrymen of Company G, 415th Infantry Regiment, 104th Division, are resting in rubble. Cologne, 7 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364277 - American infantryman kneels in the rubble to draw a bead on a sniper in the burning building.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335402 - Battalion staff awaits return of a twenty-five man patrol from across the Roer River.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405145 - Sand bags to fill abutment for bridge in Eschweiler are filled on shore before being moved into stream by engineers. 26 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374766 - Infantrymen of 104th Division, 1st U.S. Army, shelter by road block in shell-torn Manheim, Germany. Town is under German artillery attack. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337106 - The fur vests that were left behind by retreating Germans are now in possession of three sergeants of Company H, 414th Regt., U.S. First Army.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 336798 - Four infantrymen of Company F, 413th Regiment, 104th Division, First U.S. Army, pose with a captured German 81mm mortar that they used to knock out a German 85mm gun near Duren, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334950 - Village of Lamersdorf, laid waste by artillery bombardment before its seizure by the 104th Infantry Division.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334949 - Infantrymen of the 413th Regiment, 104th Infantry Division, First U.S. Army advance through the debris strewn street in Inden, Germany, to mop up any remaining opposition after one of their toughest fights for the town.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405016 - Pfc. Alfred George, Brooklyn, N.Y., makes friends with little Ukrainian girl by offering her candy in Duren.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201376 - Two infantrymen walk through the ruins of shell-torn Oberzier, Germany. 25 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201380 - Members of a First U.S. Army mortar platoon advance along the Cologne-Duren rail line before setting up their weapon in the wreckage of the marshalling yards outside of Duren, Germany. 25 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201381 - Three First U.S. Army infantrymen take cover from enemy shellfire in a bomb crater in the marshalling yards in Northeast Duren, Germany. 25 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201382 - Infantrymen of the 104th Division, U.S. First Army advance through the ruins of Arnoldsweilder, Germany. 26 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201397 - 1st Sgt. Winston Markham, Urbana, Iowa, an infantryman with the 104th Division, U.S. First Army in Duren, Germany, displays a Nazi flag for which he had climbed to the top floor of this bomb-shattered building to remove.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201463 - A wounded German mother, carrying her baby, awaits medical aid in Heppendorf, Germany, a front-line town captured by infantrymen of the 104th Division, U.S. First Army.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201502-S - Three members of the Hitler Volkssturm who gave themselves up when the Americansentered their town of Haarm, Germany, point to the spot where they had their weapons hid. A Military Government expert finds out all the details. 3 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201676 - A half-track of a tank destroyer unit of the 104th Infantry Division, U.S. First Army, moves up to engage the enemy in the wrecked and burning town of Merzenich, Germany. 26 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201678 - This wire cart and telephone equipment was captured from the Germans in Morschenich, Germany, during a surprise attack by 104th Division, U.S. First Army.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201677 - Nazi cyclist lies dead near his vehicle after surprise night attack by battalion of the 104th Division, 1st U.S. Army, on Morschenich, Germany.