Signal Corps Archive: SC 411794 - PFC John J. Cook of Staten Island, N.Y., 407th Regiment, 102nd Division, posts a warning sign on a road near enemy positions. 19 February, 1945. A portrait of Hitler, surmounted by a German eagle stands in the road at the left.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 411798 - Members of Company B, 1st Bn., 407th Regiment, 102nd Division, 9th U.S. Army, in front of their simulated western dude ranch.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364290 - Pfc. Erwin H. Hinderer, Manchester, Mich., left, and Pfc. Jack Minar, 831 W. Garrison St., Chicago, Ill., watch the flank of their Battalion of the 102nd Infantry Division, 9th U.S. Army.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364292 - With his M1 rifle ready for action, combat infantryman of the Ninth U.S. Army lies flat in scant shelter of brush on German field during advance to frontline town of Rheindahlen.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335567 - After Rheindahlen, Germany, has fallen to the troops of the U.S. Ninth Army, American armor rolls into the town. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337268 - Tanks of the 701st Tank Battalion, 102nd Infantry Division, are being serviced before movement to the front lines in Belgium. 25 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337269 - S/Sgt. Alva Williamson, 710 S. Monroe Ave., W. Frankfot, Ill., left, directs the tank of driver into position in Brachelen, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337270 - Pfc. J. E. Barnes, Shannon, Miss., sits on his light tank under cover of pine trees, on the road to Krefeld, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337271 - The crew of the Ninth U.S. Army Sherman tank who escaped injury though their vehicle was hit by four German 88 shells in action during the capture of Hottorf, near Erkelenz, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337272 - The "Baby Kenneth VI", a Ninth U.S. Army General Sherman tank, which was hit four times by a German 88-mm shells in action at Hottorf, near Erkelenz, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337275 - Cpl. Edward Romatowski, 363 12th St., Brooklyn, N.Y., shown with tank gun in Krefeld, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 336802 - Infantrymen of Company B, 406th Inf. Regt., 102nd Inf. Div., move up the road to their new out position along the Rhine River, outside the city.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334808 - A crimson banner, proudly announces the welcome to the Red Army as they enter Gotha, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337274 - Examining captured German uniforms in Gestapo building, are, left to right:
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334966 - Street scene in Linnich, Germany, as infantrymen of the 102nd Infantry Division, 9th U.S. Army push towards Gevenich, Germany. 23 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334981 - Two U.S. tank destroyers are placed on street corners commanding main streets in the town of Krefeld, Germany. 3 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335259 - Men of the 102nd Division, 9th U.S. Army, move along the road out of Krefeld, Germany, towards their new quarters along the Rhine River near Uerdingen, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334973 - A crew of Headquarters men with the 2nd Battalion, 407th Regiment, 102nd Division, Ninth U.S. Army, go down main street in Lovenich, Germany, to clear debris from streets for incoming vehicles.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335258 - Men of 102nd Division, 9th U.S. Army, prepare to move out of Krefeld, Germany, toward the Rhine River. 11 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199056-S - U.S. Army combat engineers of 102nd Division, 9th U.S. Army, ride in captured German vehicle in Baesweiler, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201374 - This pole camouflaged as a gun was left by the Nazis near Lovenich, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201607-S - Mannequin helps MP direct traffic to the front in Viersen, Germany. MP is Pvt. Don Lemon, 811 S.20th Ave., Yakima, Wash. A member of the 102nd Infantry Division, 9th U.S. Army. 3 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201475 - Infantrymen of the U.S. Ninth Army rest in German trenches outside Rheindahlen, Germany, before advancing into the town. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201476 - Units of the U.S. Ninth Army advance deeper into Germany, pushing forward near Rheindahlen, Germany. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201476 - Face down, a dead German lies by a tank on a street in Rheindahlen, Germany.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201686 - Soldiers of the U.S. Ninth Army look through the ruins of a shelled church in Erkelenz, Germany. Note the crucifix still suspended from the beams of the transept.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201688 - On the alert for enemy snipers, infantrymen of the U.S. Ninth Army patrol the streets of Erkelenz, Germany, picking their way through the rubble. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201684 - A U.S. Ninth Army MP guards four German prisoners of war as they carry one of their wounded through the streets of Erkelenz, Germany, to a medical station. Note the rubble beside the road which has been cleared for use. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201689 - A long double-file line of German prisoners are marched through a cracked street in Erkelenz, Germany. Note the wounded prisoner being pushed in a cart at the right. 27 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 201391 - Lt. Rogers examines the effect of a grenade he had thrown a few hours before. Linnich, Germany. 24 February, 1945.