Signal Corps Archive: SC 270706 - Men of the 7th Division, U.S. Army, move gun up to the frontlines. 3 February, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270707 - Bangalore squad of the 7th Div., U.S. Army, moving up to the front of Kwajalein Island. 3 February, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270708 - A 7th Div. cannon company gives support to infantrymen by firing 100 yards ahead of them as they advance on Kwajalein.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270784 - Men of the 7th Div., U.S. Army, looking out for snipers. Smoke in background is Jap fuel dump on Enilapkan Island, Kwajalein.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270785 - Men of the 7th Div., U.S. Army, preparing to leave Enubuj Island for another small island.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270788 - American troops are shown marching from the docks in Inchon, Korea, after their landing.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270789 - Troops of the 17th Inf., 7th Div., marching toward Jensin after landing. First troops in Korea. 8 September, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270795 - With a mortar squad of the 32nd Regiment, 7th Div., on Okinawa are Pfc. Guillermo Acosta, Los Angeles, Cal., and Pfc. James Barnes, Pontiac, Mich., both of whom have also participated in the assaults on Attu, Kwajalein, and Leyte.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270781 - Tanks deploy alongside road awaiting further orders while men of 7th Div. look for scattered snipers after all organized resistance is over. Kwajalein Island.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270873 - Men of 7th Div. sample free cigarettes, brought to the front lines for distribution by the Red Cross.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270786 - Men of Co. "B", 184th Inf. Regt. looking over a captured Jap gun emplacement. 30 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270791 - Troops of the 17th Inf., 7th Div., marching through streets of Jansin with civilians watching. Korea. 9 September, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270792 - Pfc. Philippe Durette, 24, of Maple Grove Ave., Maple Grove, Maine, member of the famous 7th Division, is surrounded by friendly Koreans when he parked his jeep for a minute on a street in Seoul, the capital of Korea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270797 - An airstrike on the escarpment in Southern Okinawa where veterans of the 7th Inf. Div. are meeting heavy resistance as the Japs make their final defensive stand. 6 June, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270799 - Soldiers of the 32nd Regt., Co. F, 7th Division and tanks lay down grazing fire with .30 cal. machine guns to reveal enemy as target for the 75mm guns on the tanks. 15 June, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270800 - 2nd Bn., 7th Div. OP on side of many coral rocks approaching Hill 153. 15 June, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270796 - Infantrymen of the 17th Regt., 7th Div., keep down and and carefully probe the the ample vegetation for the enemy. Okinawa. 21 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270798 - A scout of the 7th Inf. Div., on reconnaissance patrol, is probing a gulley in which an American soldier was shot by the Japanese the previous day.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270782 - Jap fuel dumps burn on Kwajalein Island after being hit by artillery shells from Enubuj Island.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270787 - Members of a machine gun section moving along hill to new position. Okinawa. 31 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270801 - Soldiers of the 32nd Regt., 7th Inf. Div., advancing to Hill 115 against moderate resistance. 16 June, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270794 - Japanese strongpoint is assaulted.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171527 - Yank infantry advances toward the rocky ridge where the Japs established their defence positions. Attu, Aleutians. 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 171522 - Over the side and into the landing boats go the men of the landing party - Attu bound. 11 May, 1943.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335424 - When all else fails the men of the Cannon Co., 159th Infantry resort to manpower to get their guns out of the surf and into action.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364061 - (L-R) Sec of Army Frank Pace, Jr., pins the Silver Star medal on Pfc. George Rich, Robinson, Ill., HQ Co., 2nd Bn., 17th Inf. Regt., 7th U.S. Inf. Div., at ceremonies held at the Honchon Airstrip.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 208842 - An infantryman of the 184th Regt. investigates the entrance to a small cave on Okinawa, typical of the terrain fought over to gain Rocky Crag.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 143724-1 - Tec Sgt. Hiroshi Mukaye, Los Angeles, Cal., Japanese Interpreter for the 32nd Infantry Regiment, and S/Sgt. Ralph M. Saito, Ewa, Hawaii, interpreter for the 24th Corps, question this Japanese sailor brought in by the 32nd Infantry Regiment.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 182470-1 - A Jap prisoner of war and Pfc. John H, Davis, Rt. #1, Whitwell, Tenn, 7th Reconnaissance, 7th Infantry Division, attempt to reach shore on a surf board to coax Japs still entrenched in a cave to surrender and swim to LCI.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 205191 - INVASION OF OKINAWA. Men of 7th Infantry Division head for the beaches of Okinawa in LVTs.