Signal Corps Archive: SC 207449 - Men of the 77th Div. replacement school, which offers a four-day indoctrination course for newly-arrived troops on Okinawa, stand in chow line.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 207962 - This is the bivouac area of the 3rd Bn., 305th Inf. Regt, 77th Division on Okinawa.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374740 - Three Rochester men, each a veteran of all campaigns in which the 77th Div. has participated in, move up to the front. 14 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 208937 - Concealed from enemy by dense undergrowth, 77th Division infantrymen fire BAR, mortar and rifle grenade at Japs along escarpment on southern fringe of Okinawa.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 208600 - Soldiers of the 77th Inf. Div. walk past mud-clogged tanks parked by the side of the road on Okinawa. 26 May, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 207447 - Under direction of Maj. Gen. A. D. Bruce, 77th Division, newly-landed troops on Okinawa go through a four-day special problem course to familiarize themselves with the type of fighting they will encounter.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364502 - Heavy machine guns covering the advance of troops over streams near Ormac. 13 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364501 - 77th Div. loads on to LCIs at Rizal, Leyte, P.I. 7 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 139928 - Pfc. Alden A. Fisher, Morganton, Ga., fires a bazooka. Pfc. William Miller, Oceanside, Long Island, is the loader.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 207312 - Framed by the silhouette of an alert soldier, tons of water and coral are blown skyward by the force of a charge set to deepen a channel through a reef offshore, Okinawa.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 207961 - An American soldier, advancing on a cave recently occupied by Japs, surveys equipment which was left by the retreating enemy troops on Okinawa.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 183744 - Natural cave, found on Okinawa by these advancing 10th Army Troops, was estimated to hold nearly a thousand [Illegible].
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335371 - Five East Massachusetts boys set up an 81mm mortar.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166624 - Pvt. Peter Sarlo, New York City, Pvt. William Duncan, Wilkesboro, N.C., Pfc. Victor Gerulskay, Scranton, Pa., and Cpl. Mike Kocick, New York City...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 166625 - Sgt. Swiderski, Newark, N.J., Pvt. MaCaulay, New York City, and Cpl. Verno, Scranton, Pa., a scout crew stand ready for action.