Signal Corps Archive:
SC 190592 - This is a burned-out German coastal gun emplacement, destroyed by U.S. Infantry units in France, in their drive along the beaches. 14 June, 1944. Fort De Foucarville. France.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 190509-S - Hidden in a camouflaged pillbox, this 219mm German gun gave American troops plenty of trouble near St. Marcouf, France, until allied bombing and shelling eliminated it. 21 June, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 190653 - This photo, made at low tide, shows German Teller mines affixed to posts and planted several hundred feet from the beach on the Normandy coast. At high tide these are covered with water, and may cause considerable damage to landing craft.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 196154 - Capt. Robert S. Marcus, Jewish Chaplain, conducts outdoor services at the Siegfried Line, in Germany. 3 November, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 336769 - Pvt. Lawrence J. Lewis, of Chetek, Wis., examines the effect of a shell near the entrance to a German pillbox that formed part of the Siegfried Line defenses on the Dutch-German border.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 336781 - A vehicle of the 11th Armored Division, U.S. Third Army, passes the roadblock, tank traps, and dragon's teeth of the Siegfried Line, near Nar-Uttfeld, Germany. 21 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 336780 - Armored car of the 10th Armored Division, 3rd U.S. Army, drives through a hole blasted in dragon's teeth anti-tank defenses near Portz on drive to Saarburg, Germany. 21 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 336775 - Infantrymen of the 94th Division race for cover across the dragon's teeth of Siegfried Line near Tittingen, Germany. 19 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 336773 - The Anglo-American players, touring the continent with "Ten Little Indians", stop off at the Siegfried Line for a snowball fight before moving on to the rest camp near Vaals, Holland, to entertain men of the 102nd Inf. Div. 10 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive:
C-2309 - Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Huebner, U.S. Army. 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 201522 - Germans were building pillbox shielded by bales of hay resembling haystack from distance before they were routed from the Cologne Plain east of the River Roer by 1st U.S. Army troops. 28 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 201523 - Baled hay conceals the site of an unfinished German pillbox near Cologne, east of the Roer River. The Nazis were routed by U.S. First Army troops before it was completed. 28 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 193029-S - Dimensions of German pillboxes on Italy's western shores are: sidewalls - 5' thick; roof - 6' thick; front wall - 10' thick; and construction is of reinforced concrete. View of pillbox under construction. 18 August, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive:
SC 192008 - Troops examine a German block house in St. Lo after the Americans drove the Nazis from the city. 27 July, 1944.