Signal Corps Archive: SC 270790 - The 32nd Inf. Regt., 7th Div., marches thru the streets of of Kyongsong to their barracks.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270788 - American troops are shown marching from the docks in Inchon, Korea, after their landing.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270789 - Troops of the 17th Inf., 7th Div., marching toward Jensin after landing. First troops in Korea. 8 September, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270791 - Troops of the 17th Inf., 7th Div., marching through streets of Jansin with civilians watching. Korea. 9 September, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270792 - Pfc. Philippe Durette, 24, of Maple Grove Ave., Maple Grove, Maine, member of the famous 7th Division, is surrounded by friendly Koreans when he parked his jeep for a minute on a street in Seoul, the capital of Korea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 348913 - L-R: Pfc. Walter W. Smith, Corrigan, Tex.; Pfc. Robert E. McMahan, Springfield, Tenn.; and Cpl. Hubert J. Hightower, Rome, Ga., all of 5th Cav. Regt., examine captured enemy tank which had been guarding the main road of Waegwan, Korea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 348678 - Pfc. Thomas Conlon, Closter, N.J., 21st Inf. Regt., 24th Inf. Div., lies on a stretcher at a medical aid station, after being wounded while crossing the Naktong River in Korea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 348677 - A group of Marine medics giving aid to a wounded Marine at Sosa-Ri, Korea. Marine was wounded by mortar fire. 19 September, 1950.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 348916 - L-R: William R. Layne, Chatanooga, Tenn.; William Knuckler, Cozadale, Ohio; Howard G. Lowery, Lufkins, Tex.; Raymond E. Pinto, Mason City, Iowa.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337414 - Japanese repatriates prepare to start a new life as free citizens in a new Japan.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337413 - Japanese repatriates receive instructions shortly after their arrival in Japan.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334604 - A typical sailor, Korean Navy, stands aft on a launch during a demonstration of Korean Navy's strength in Inchon Harbor.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 337415 - Japanese repatriates prepare to start a new life as free citizens in a new Japan.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334583 - Troops of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Regiment, 6th Division, stand ready for an inspection by the Korean Minister of Defense and members of the U.S. Military Advisory Group to the Republic of Korea. 21 July, 1949.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334554 - Lt. Ralph C. Blow, of Company K, 8th Infantry Regiment, Fort Ord, California, is shown giving two new Army trainees, Rct. Theodore M. Hudson and Rct. Glenn E. Fisher their first lesson on the basic infantry weapons.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364060 - Secretary of the Army Frank Pace, Jr., inspects the I Corps Honor Guard at Hongchon, Korea. 12 April, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364062 - Sec. of Army Frank Pace, Jr., pins the Silver Star medal on Sgt. Kim Choong Yul, 5th ROK Div., at ceremonies held at the Honchon Airstrip, Korea. 12 April, 1951.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364138 - Pte. William Wyatt, lower Sackville, Halifax, center, veteran with five and one half year's service in the Navy during World War II, tries out familiar hammock during visit with Petty Officer Ed Randall, Halifax, N.S., left, and...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364045 - Overall view of 630th Ord. Ammo Depot in Seoul, Korea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364026 - Lt. Gen. Edward M. Almond, left, CG X Corps, examines pioneer tools during his tour of inspection at the 9th Regt., 2nd Inf. Div. area, Korea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364097 - Cpl. Carson Williams, Charleston, W.Va., right, 9th Regt., 2nd Inf. Div., is questioned on maintenance of .50 cal. machine gun by Lt. Gen. Edward M. Almond, left, CG X Corps...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364208 - Lt. Gen. Edward M. Almond, left, CG X Corps, stops to talk to member of the 9th Regt., 2nd Inf. Div., during his tour of inspection of the Regt. area.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364063 - Secretary of the Army Frank Pace Jr. (left) awards the Silver Star to M/Sgt. Edgar Carter, Palestine, Texas, A Btry. 96th FABn., X Corps, at a ceremony in the X Corps sector, Korea.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364140 - Gen. Betrand pins French Silver Star on Capt. Cunningham, presented for gallantry against the Germans in 1944. Camp McCauley airstrip, Linz Sub Post, Austria.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 364249 - Through billowing smoke, three men from Company B, 83rd Engr. Bn., Fort Sill, Okla., push on toward the next house in realistic training at Fort Sill's Combat Village. 17 January, 1951.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405192-S - Bridges are vital to an advanced army.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405191-S - Men of the 114th Regimental Combat Team, New Jersey National Guard, understand the value of adequate care and cleaning of their weapons.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 335390 - Piloting the homeward-bound B-24 Liberator of 5th Air Force's 380th Bomb Group, is Col. Forrest L. Brissey, back row, 4th from left, 5035 Trask St., Oakland, Calif.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405054 - U.S.S.R. naval attache in Japan. Commodore Anatoly Radionov passes out Russian cigarettes to press men at Atsugi strip, Tokyo. 30 August, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 405055 - Col. Gerald R. Johnson, Mr. Merkuriov of Russian Embassy, Capt. L.R. Ivanov, Secretary of the Naval Attache to the embassy of the USSR, and Maj. Fabian Bowers, interpreter of Advance Party.