Signal Corps Archive: SC 184781-S - Three dead Japs lay sprawling on a road which had been repaired by them before their retreat from this sector of China, Burma, India Theater.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184780-S - Chinese troops examine the barrel and breech assembly of captured Japanese 37mm anti-tank gun which is being loaded into a jeep.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184776-S - Orderlies from 25th Field Hospital loading wounded Chinese soldiers in to airplane.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184777-S - Maj. Graham Batchelor, Milledgeville, Ga., U.S. Army Infantry Liaison Officer, uses chop sticks and a Chinese mess bowl while eating with Chinese officers of an American-trained Chinese division in the China, Burma, India Theater.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184786 - Operation of the vital Bangal and Assam railroad in India has been taken over by the U.S. Army.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 184778-S - Chinese and American troops who have just received first aid treatment are seen in a 2½ ton truck for transfer to the far rear where they will receive hospital care.
Signal Corps Archive: Members of 5307 Composite Unit and local Kachin tribesmen in a group photo of all the nationalities represented in the unit.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334920 - Members of 8th Army Liaison Team, who are instructors in Signal School, and Chinese officers of 8th Army Signal Bn.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334921 - S/Sgt. Cyril B. Felix, Sgt. Paul, Minn., (right) and T/Sgt. Leo H. Brennon, Sayer, Pa., was the first to land an airplane on the newly-built L-5 Landing Strip, this is also the first plane to land in this small town of Tiendung.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334926 - High Chinese officials, attending War Transportation Board dinner at Chungking in victory celebration, stand in front of crossed flags of two nations and pictures of Truman and Chiang Kai-Shek.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 334922 - En route from Kunming, China, to Kai Yuan, China, in the Petrified Forest area. 13 March, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374713 - During construction of 6" pipeline to China, due to lack of transportation facilities a 1000 ft. cable was strung 400 ft. over the the Loglai river near Loglai, Burma, to carry pipe, fittings and men to the opposite bank of the river.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374815 - An American patrol of the 3rd Bn., I & D Pl., moves from its position atop a hill a mile from the Burma road to observe the road at a close range.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 270496 - Sgt. Nelson T. Young, Gonzales, La., removes the nozzle from the wing tank of a B-29 Superfortress plane as Sgt. John T. Daly, Wichita, Kan. stands by. CBI Theater, 6 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 374741 - Men marching through unnamed village outside of Nansin, two natives of the village stand on the porch of their basha and watch the troops of the 1st Bn., 475th Regt. pass by. Sitha, Burma, 27 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221722 - Troops of the 54th Army are shown walking down the steep mt. grade to the 600ft long footwalk across the wide red river at Pa-Tu. 9 August, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221774 - One of the elephants that are being used by the 30th Div, 1st Army on their march south thru the village of Pa-Tu on the road to Nanning.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221775 - Troops of the 54th Army are shown walking across the narrow 600 ft bridge at Pa-Tu on the Red River. 9 August, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196170 - For the benefit of Chinese soldiers in training, Sgt. P.O. Gibson, San Angelo, Texas, and 1st Lt. J.A. Itaples, Fargo, N.D., demonstrate methods of disarming an enemy with a bayonet. China. 1 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196171 - (L-R) Col Kuo Feng Chieh, C.O. 546th Inf. Reg., 182nd Div., 60th Army, Major B.M. Prestholt, C.O. American Liaison Team. 182nd Div., Chicago, ILL. Inspect bayonet training. 1 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221720 - 54th Army are shown walking down the steep mountain grade to the 600 ft. long foot walk across the wide Red River at Pa-Tu, China.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221721 - 3 elephants are being used by the 30th Div., 1st Army, on their march south thru the village of Pa-Tu on the road to Nanning. 11 August, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221534 - Medum shot of 3 Jap soldiers marching through the residential section of Nanking, China.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221716 - Sitting on a jeep hood are two GIs watching as the Japanese Army emissaries arrive at Chinese Army HQs. at Chihkiang, China...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196172 - Left to right (background) Sgt. P.O. Gibson, San Angelo, Texas; Capt. J.R. Rudolph, Birmingham, Ala., and Capt. S.S. Hou, interpreter, give calisthenics to Chinese soldiers at a training station in China.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221533 - Japanese soldiers are shown marching through Nanking's residential section. These soldiers are still fully armed but under perfect control at all times.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221535 - Troops of the New Chinese 6th Army arriving at the Nanking Airfield on 5th Sept., 45.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196169 - Gun crew of a 40mm Bofors AA gun on the alert guarding the Burma Road and Hwoi Tung Bridge.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 196168 - Ten mule team draws heavy Chinese howitzer over many mountains in the Burma Road on its way to the fighting at Tung Ling, Yunnan, China.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 221717 - Flying in formation these three B-25s of the 341st Bombardent Group, 14th U.S. Army Air Force...