Signal Corps Archive: SC 195623-S - Infantrymen relieved from combat for rest, await removal to a rest camp.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329721 - At the newly opened Red Cross club in Cherbourg. Cpl. Charles C. Murphyel, of Brooklyn, N.Y., gets his share of Yankee doughnuts and coffee. Girls are French Red Cross volunteers. 29 July, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329722 - This is a shot of the mixed ARC girls and GIs using and distributing delicious 'O' Rations on the #1 forward hatch of the Liberty Ship 'Edward W. Scripps'...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329723 - An American Red Cross Clubmobile crew serves doughnuts and coffee to GIs at a replacement center on the continent.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329727 - Pvt. Garnett N. Early, of Harrisonburg, Va., receives an early morning cup of coffee from Red Cross worker Mary Jane Cook, of Jackson Heights, N.Y. Nancy, France. 19 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329726 - Brief rest in the Nancy sector is enjoyed over a cup of coffee and doughnuts by Lt. Samuel L. Kahn, of Dayton, O., a Military Police officer.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329752 - Helen Beko, Red Cross worker of St. Louis, Mo., serves doughnuts to Pvt. Freeman L. Dickey, Savannah, Ga., 7th Army soldier. France, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329773 - Members of the 80th Reconnaissance Unit fall in line for doughnuts and and coffee furnished from an American Red Cross Clubmobile in the vicinity of the Moselle River, France. 8 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329774 - Miss Helen Rehak, St. Louis, Mo., an American Red Cross Clubmobile girl, passes out cigarettes to members of an American reconnaissance unit who have halted their motorized vehicle near the Moselle River, France. 8 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329775 - Dee Kurtz, York, Pa., gives out doughnuts to a tank crew somewhere in France. 1 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329790 - Nancy Hohgland, Orange, Va., American Red Cross worker, wipes face of French child waiting for issue of clothing in Nantes, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329789 - Men moving up to the front, in the snow, are getting hot coffee and doughnuts from an American Red Cross Clubmobile near the front.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329796 - First American Red Cross workers to leave Europe for duty in the Pacific are these girls shown waiting to board their transport:
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329794 - Soldiers with their mess cups line up at the American Red Cross clubmobile for coffee and doughnuts at the 71st Infantry Regiment, 44th Division, XV Corps, 7th Army front. Achen area, France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329816 - Infantrymen with 44th Division, loaded in trucks, leave Imst, Austria, in the Tyrolian Alps, going on pass to one of the several pass centers in France. 1 June, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329852 - A German Mark V Panther tank has been knocked out by the U.S. Army Air Corps. It stands alone in this field near Ploy, France. 14 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329861 - Invading troops of the 5th Colonial Inf. Div. coming ashore at Marina Di Campo, Elba, under protection of smoke screen. 17 June, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 330036 - Sgt. Willis E. Young of Hollcut(?), Massachusetts, looks over a German stockpile of metal. The Germans used this metal to make their own shells near Metz, France, at Fort Jeanne D'Arc. 16 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329879 - 3rd Bn., 157th Inf. Regt. walking across footbridge over canal lock. Igney, France. 22 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329865 - Troops of the French 9th Colonial Inf. Div., boarding LCI in preparation for the invasion of Elba.
Signal Corps Archive: French civilians gather to watch the American trucks pass through the town square in Bar-le-Duc, France. Note the French and Russian flags flying from the World War I monument. 1 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329930 - Lt. Gen. Ira C. Baker, C.G., MAAF, Lt. Gen. Jacob L. Devers, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Med. Theater, and Maj. Gen. Joe Gannon, C.G., 12th Air Force, looking at positions established by Allied troops in landings in Southern France.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 198860-S - T/5 John M. Moncrief, Jr., of 1748th E. 14th Pl., Tulsa, Oklahoma, warms himself near stove unit behind scenes of "You've had it," musical comedy presented by 3103rd Signal Service Battalion at Verdun.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199062-S - Young French woman with two children and belongings loaded on a baby carriage shown in Hagenau, France, before they started on long trek to safe rear area.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199063-S - Lieut. Col. Porter, Commanding Officer of an infantry battalion, and his party, stand in the cover of a wall before dashing across a street in the Hagenau area, which is under enemy observation and small arms fire.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 198999 - Wrecked German planes are piled together in a graveyard at a German airfield in Metz, France. 20 December, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199082 - A bomb dropped by a German plane set off five boxes of land mines, destroying surrounding houses and damaging this M-5A1 light tank.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199113 - Russian war refugees, having been liberated from German forced labor by the U.S. Army, prepare to board train which will take them to a misplaced persons camp in the interior of France. Chalons, France. 10 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 198851 - 7th Army troops have been conscious of tire conservation in accordance with Gen. Eisenhower's directive.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 199010-SA - Refugees wait at a cross road for the go-ahead signal from the M.P.