Signal Corps Archive: SC 195507 - Sgt. Justus K. Westover, Rapid City, S.D., takes aim from an observation point in a 1918-style trench on the German border (Krinkelt) near Belgium.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195522 - Trucks are loaded with supplies for various combat units at a supply depot near Eupen, Belgium. 16 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 195523 - Polish civilians, formerly used as slave labor by the Nazis in Belgium, get aboard a truck at the St. Clair Displacement Center at Narviers, Belgium, which will take them to a camp where they will receive food, shelter, clothing...
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329685 - The crew of a .50 cal. machine gun digs a large hole in the frozen ground near Freyneux, Belgium, to emplace their gun.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329730 - Infantrymen take break in fighting to enjoy coffee and doughnuts offered by Red Cross girls of Clubmobile "General Lee" somewhere in Luxembourg. 9 October, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329791 - Red Cross clubmobile worker Marjorie Wiegland, of Eagle River, Wisc., offers stick of gum to Belgian children near St. Vith. 10 February, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329793 - Chu Chu Swanson ARC, 303 Grove St., Fort Wayne, Indiana, serving coffee and donuts to the "Green Devils" (a name given to the Commandos by the Germans for their green berets).
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329800 - Rescue squads work amidst damage caused in a large Belgian city when a German V-1, flying bomb, exploded. 5 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329799 - Overall view of damage caused in the square of a large Belgian city when a German V-1, flying bomb, exploded.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329798 - View of buildings on east side of square following following V-1 hit about 1300 hours on 5 Jan 45 at Retne Astrid, Carnot Straat and Van Schoonhoven Straat, Antwerp, Belgium. 5 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329797 - View of crater and buildings following V-1 hit about 1300 hours on 5 Jan 45 at Retne Astrid, Carnot Straat and Van Schoonhoven Straat, Antwerp, Belgium. 5 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329988 - Infantrymen are working with engineers in road repair near Bullingen, Belgium, to keep supplies moving to the front.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329987 - Infantrymen enroute to rest camp were sidetracked emergency road repair job to keep supplies moving to the front.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329786 - Tank destroyer of the 634th T.D. Bn. on watch in the town of Bullingen, Belgium.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329985 - VIII Corps MPs direct traffic at a busy intersection in Bastogne, Belgium. The congestion was caused by heavy troop movements into the Ardennes bulge. 28 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329944 - Troops of the 12th Inf. Regt., 4th Inf. Div. crossing from France into Belgium, are able to bypass a bridge to which the retreating Germans have set fire and use instead a bridge erected by American engineers. 7 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329943 - A platoon of an American Recon Cavalry unit encountered this Nazi horse-drawn convoy in Court - St. Etienne in Belgium, and moments later this was all that was left of the convoy. 6 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329942 - Nazi motorized equipment reduced to scrap by incessant pounding of air and ground units on retreating German column is shown in the above photo after being shoved aside by bulldozers in the town of Gagnies-Chausser, Belgium.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 3299941 - Residents of Couvin, Belgium, flock into the streets of their town to cheer the vanguard of American troops rolling eastward across their country into Germany. 3 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329940 - Residents of Chimay, Belgium, gather in their town square to welcome their liberators, the first American troops to reach their town. 3 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329938 - Residents of Couvin, Belgium, flock into the streets to welcome the vanguard of American troops which arrived after driving out the Nazis. 3 September, 1944.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329982 - Old and new communications lines are webbed across street at a road intersection in Bastogne, Belgium. 20 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329983 - Aerial view of the Belgian town of Faymonville after heavy Allied shelling. 23 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329984 - Aerial view of Ambleve, Belgium, still occupied by the German troops, after heavy Allied shelling. 23 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329981 - Tank destroyer moves with infantrymen through town of Bovigny, Belgium. Column in foreground is World War I memorial. 20 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329980 - Men of the 202nd Combat Engineers, 8th Corps, lie in shelter of a snow-covered wall as they fire at sniper on hill in Bois De Chabry, near Herbaimont, Belgium. 16 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329979 - U.S. Army infantrymen of the 75th Infantry Division pass through Arbrefontaine, Belgium, on their way to new objective. 17 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329977 - Aerial view showing armor and infantry of the 6th Armored Division advancing through the snow in the direction of Northeast Bastogne, Belgium. 13 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329978 - Knocked out American tank of the 3rd Armored Division can be seen through the shell-shattered trees, in the Ardennes Forest Salient near Baclain, Belgium. 17 January, 1945.
Signal Corps Archive: SC 329976 - American armor is concentrating in Cherain, Belgium, before pushing on to meet advancing columns of 3rd U.S. Army.