Swaentje5: witte boerderij herfst
Swaentje5: Chestnut at the White Farm ~ Hoofddorp, Hoofdweg
Swaentje5: when days were mellow...
Swaentje5: Shaggy mane mushrooms - geschubde inktzwam ~ Hoofddorp, RP Geerligsdreef
Swaentje5: Windy day, today...
Swaentje5: The withered leaves collect at my feet...
Swaentje5: autumn in the air
Swaentje5: autumn in the swing
Swaentje5: autumn impression
Swaentje5: singel in autumn
Swaentje5: withered leaves
Swaentje5: Glorious autumn
Swaentje5: Little purple mushrooms ~ Kleine paarse paddenstoeltjes
Swaentje5: Little purple mushrooms (detail) ~ Kleine paarse paddenstoeltjes (detail)
Swaentje5: Euonymus europaeus ~ Wilde kardinaalsmuts
Swaentje5: The last berries ~ De laatste besjes
Swaentje5: Rowan berries ~ Lijsterbessen
Swaentje5: Armillaria mellea: honey mushroom ~ honingzwam
Swaentje5: Honey mushroom and visitor ~ Honingzwam met bezoeker
Swaentje5: Armillaria mellea: honey mushroom ~ honingzwam