Darla Hueske:
my pomegranates 2
Darla Hueske:
my pomegranates 1
Darla Hueske:
Artichokes in season, Cairo
Darla Hueske:
Arabic lesson
Darla Hueske:
Catamaran Trampoline Lace
Darla Hueske:
Antique Horsetail Fly Swatter
Darla Hueske:
Bamboo Shade
Darla Hueske:
Knot for Me
Darla Hueske:
The delicate balance between strategy and luck
Darla Hueske:
Goddess Isis - Friend of Artisans
Darla Hueske:
Candy Dish
Darla Hueske:
Primary Colours for Christmas
Darla Hueske:
A cold day with bells
Darla Hueske:
I traded my shib-shibs for snow boots
Darla Hueske:
Cowboys & Indians v. 1
Darla Hueske:
Silver Shell Plate
Darla Hueske:
Red Sea Shell
Darla Hueske:
Precious Rain This Morning
Darla Hueske:
Green Green Grass of Home USA
Darla Hueske:
Spider hanging
Darla Hueske:
Mr Spider
Darla Hueske:
Bee Black n White
Darla Hueske:
Words have limitations, but silence has no limit.
Darla Hueske:
Restless breath will not allow mind to hold steady at any fixed point.
Darla Hueske:
My Friend, Billy
Darla Hueske:
Darla Hueske:
did not cross
Darla Hueske:
In the Car Wash
Darla Hueske:
Look deeply into my carpet.
Darla Hueske:
the old gas pumps