clerestories: flying over banks peninsula
clerestories: jeff's foot in ashburton
clerestories: unexpected
clerestories: dog kennel corner (one of many)
clerestories: golden
clerestories: mom & me
clerestories: so many colors
clerestories: missy sue
clerestories: my imp
clerestories: gold and fuchsia
clerestories: approaching the lake
clerestories: amazing
clerestories: glowing
clerestories: tekapo
clerestories: my adorable mother
clerestories: lake tekapo
clerestories: makeshift bench
clerestories: wandering
clerestories: color and texture
clerestories: another shot of the lake
clerestories: i startled the geese
clerestories: heading off
clerestories: lots of birds
clerestories: in a line
clerestories: looking up at the church
clerestories: lupines
clerestories: beautiful
clerestories: corn chips