siebo: bobun sprint crew
siebo: pair(is) programming
siebo: Jan Murre
siebo: Souheil, Joerg, Jean-Nicolas
siebo: Bobun Sprint :: Day 1
siebo: datacenter david
siebo: jam session
siebo: office hours
siebo: andi @ muddy waters
siebo: making office on BART
siebo: Balazs w/ Ice Cream
siebo: hanno
siebo: andi
siebo: Balazs
siebo: Balazs and Martin on the train
siebo: Raphael and Balazs
siebo: David Siedband
siebo: Martin, Raphael, Matthew
siebo: Nate and Ross
siebo: Raphael and Matthew
siebo: Martin, Jonathan, Steve and Michael
siebo: Matthew and Dani
siebo: Kevin, Jonathan
siebo: Jason, Jonathan, Balazs
siebo: Sprint underway
siebo: davis sky
siebo: Kamal @ LinuxWorld
siebo: Kamal talks to the guys from Ableton
siebo: Steve @ LinuxWorld
siebo: Charles @ LinuxWorld