st pencil 2011: yer boy keepin money in tha community! Gucci
st pencil 2011: what's a E-pad?
st pencil 2011: i benched that guy
st pencil 2011: Totem Poest
st pencil 2011: Totem & Poe
st pencil 2011: totem poe background to drama
st pencil 2011: P1020538
st pencil 2011: 2chainz #videoshoot #atl #swats @2chainz
st pencil 2011: This doesn't look good... #apd #atl #popo
st pencil 2011: Oops! #baddriver #popo
st pencil 2011: Ticket writing seminar on the sidewalk #howdoidothis? #movealong #nothingtoseehere
st pencil 2011: 'Out in the streets there is violence'.. I didn't realize that this was a real place.. #whoknew #electricavenue #eddiegrant
st pencil 2011: Watcha sayin diet coke? #youreoncoke #youreoncokediet #badadcopy? #ormaybenot
st pencil 2011: #mixedmessage
st pencil 2011: Ok, this lady passed me in a hurry, when she did I noticed she was holding a sandwich on a plate with her left hand and presumably driving w/her right?.... Also no rear view or driver side mirror..#baddriver. Btw- I took this pic at the stop light
st pencil 2011: #ohnoPoPo