Sidolix: PK, Space Shuttle Challenger orbits the earth, NASA, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, Radioteleskop bei Bad Muenstereifel-Effelsberg, Eifel, Germany, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, Milenium, Motiv Zeitrhythmus, Berlin, Germany, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, Earth from Space, NASA, NOT FOR SWAPS.
Sidolix: PK, Dubai on Earth, United Arab Emirates, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, Columbia Spacelab 1, NASA, USA, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, Carrier rocket Ariane on the launching base in Kourou, French Guiana, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, MC 23-1986 Bund, European technology of Satellite, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, Envelope carried to the moon with Apollo 15 in 1971, USA, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: FDC, Exploration and the peaceful use of the Space, United Nations-Vienna, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: MC Bonn 1986, Astronomy, Comet Halley, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: MC nr. 9, Project Planet Earth, United Nations Vienna, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, MC 20 juni 1986, European technology of satellite, Bonn, Germany, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, MC 5-1983, World Communications Year 1983, Austria, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: Pk, Start of the rocket Diamant, First Franch Satellie A 1, France, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, Experimental Satellite A 1, France 1965, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, UNO-Spaceconference Vienna 1982, Austria, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, MC 232, Astronomy, Starry sky, Spiral Galaxy M 83 in Centaurus constellation, Princedom Liechtenstein, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: PK, MC 27, The stamp collector, Stockholmia86, Sweden, NOT FOR SWAP.
Sidolix: Postcard, Arecibo Observatory- Puerto Rico, NOT FOR TRADE.