ralphpalmer: A weasel in backyard
ralphpalmer: coyote in snow storm
ralphpalmer: Bluebird
ralphpalmer: 'Flower'
ralphpalmer: Male Goldfinch
ralphpalmer: Northern Flying Squirrel
ralphpalmer: squirrel......
ralphpalmer: Moose jumping fence
ralphpalmer: moonrise
ralphpalmer: The fight gets serious!
ralphpalmer: Badger
ralphpalmer: dinner time for the twins
ralphpalmer: fawn in front yard
ralphpalmer: Butterfly
ralphpalmer: cowboy and horse
ralphpalmer: Northern Pigmy Owl
ralphpalmer: A winter wonderland
ralphpalmer: Doug Fossen moves the herd to their winter feeding grounds
ralphpalmer: Mountain Chickadee
ralphpalmer: squirrel
ralphpalmer: Cloud Belugas
ralphpalmer: Cattle Drive 2
ralphpalmer: Anise Swallowtail
ralphpalmer: Baby Chickadee hatching
ralphpalmer: The sky over Osoyoos
ralphpalmer: albino flicker
ralphpalmer: Sidley Sunrise
ralphpalmer: great ash sphynx moth
ralphpalmer: Long-eared Owlet
ralphpalmer: Bloody Maple Leafs