Pamela Greer: #projectlife365 #resolution My resolution - take a photo a day with my phone using Project Life's daily inspiration.
Pamela Greer: Me today. Before make-up. #projectlife365 #you_today
Pamela Greer: Daisies always make me smile. #projectlife365 #optimistic
Pamela Greer: Coco the #graceful kitty cat. #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: Cooling towers. #projectlife365 #view
Pamela Greer: Books, teacup and vase. #projectlife365 #still_life
Pamela Greer: Flowers in old salt and pepper shakers on windowsill.
Pamela Greer: My front door. #projectlife365 #front_door
Pamela Greer: What a teacher keeps in her snack drawer. #projectlife365 #in_a_drawer
Pamela Greer: Know when to fold 'em. #projectlife365 #game
Pamela Greer: Today's challenge. #projectlife365 #forgotten
Pamela Greer: Algebra textbook. #projectlife365 #confusing
Pamela Greer: The good #news today was this sunrise after 10 straight days of rain. #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: Simple. #style #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: Some photography reading. #projectlife365 #currently_reading
Pamela Greer: Where I #dream #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: #transparent windows and orchid petals #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: My blonde highlights. #faux #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: Mary is a silent #guest in my backyard. #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: My Old Trixie Belden books, from a simpler more #innocent time. #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: It never ceases to amaze me that I can easily #grow these. #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: I need to learn some soft beauty edits before I face forward! #you_today #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: Lots of #repetition in my china cabinet. #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: My #bedside is a mix of old and new. #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: My #daily_life - before the couple hundred 8th graders stream in - #projectlife
Pamela Greer: All of my change gets dumped in a bowl and #saved_up #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: Exhausting day. This is the best I could do for #my_view #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: If only this old trunk could share it's tales of #adventure #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: I am #lucky to have these tulips to brighten up this rainy day. #projectlife365
Pamela Greer: White chocolate blueberry mousse. #tasty #projectlife365