sidewalk_story: Bletchley Park Front Gate
sidewalk_story: start of the flickr invasion
sidewalk_story: roof detail
sidewalk_story: Herbert Samuel Leon 1883
sidewalk_story: site of the Pixelh8 performance
sidewalk_story: BP Ballroom
sidewalk_story: setting up for the Bombe run
sidewalk_story: John Harper
sidewalk_story: bombe parts
sidewalk_story: bombe parts
sidewalk_story: bombe parts
sidewalk_story: insert Pete Townsend reference here
sidewalk_story: original Colossus fragment
sidewalk_story: code breaking souvenirs
sidewalk_story: Keyboard of a Russian Fialka M125-3MN
sidewalk_story: Kalee No 1
sidewalk_story: Pathescope Ace logo
sidewalk_story: projector
sidewalk_story: light meters
sidewalk_story: Churchill and the World's Smallest Baby
sidewalk_story: Nairn's Oatcakes tin
sidewalk_story: wartime food tins
sidewalk_story: Air Raid Shelter card games
sidewalk_story: Speed card game
sidewalk_story: BP's stable/garage area
sidewalk_story: Oil cans
sidewalk_story: Filtrate Oils sign