Robert Goodwin: At the World War II Memorial
Robert Goodwin: At the Washington Monument
Robert Goodwin: That's a Big Monument!
Robert Goodwin: At the Washington Monument
Robert Goodwin: At the Zoo
Robert Goodwin: Lunch at Michie Tavern
Robert Goodwin: Family at Monticello
Robert Goodwin: Lisa in the Veranda
Robert Goodwin: In the Garden
Robert Goodwin: On the Balcony
Robert Goodwin: With the Astronauts
Robert Goodwin: With Lord Baden-Powell
Robert Goodwin: With M.J.
Robert Goodwin: With Johnny Depp
Robert Goodwin: Seat of Power
Robert Goodwin: With Dubya
Robert Goodwin: Check Out the Metal
Robert Goodwin: Anxiously Waiting
Robert Goodwin: Goofy Webelos
Robert Goodwin: Son and I
Robert Goodwin: Here We Rest
Robert Goodwin: Fours Miles Down
Robert Goodwin: Research
Robert Goodwin: Confederate Lines Hike
Robert Goodwin: Getting Our Bearings
Robert Goodwin: Confederate Lines Hike
Robert Goodwin: Self Portrait
Robert Goodwin: Overlooking Little River Canyon
Robert Goodwin: Desoto Falls