sidehike: They call me Mellow Yellow.
sidehike: And how you feel to make it real, real as anything you've seen
sidehike: Blue by you
sidehike: Saddle up and ride, boys!
sidehike: They call me "Chip"
sidehike: Listen to the jingle, the rumble and the roar
sidehike: RACER X
sidehike: Hello, Ocho!
sidehike: Home of the Real Nighthawks
sidehike: Oh, the things I've heard!
sidehike: Topeka
sidehike: I miss you every day, but that won't stop me from living my dreams
sidehike: Geared Up
sidehike: Gloria in Excelsis Deo
sidehike: Straight Outta Gotham
sidehike: Marty Leonard Chapel Interior
sidehike: I got it one piece at a time, and it didn't cost me a dime.
sidehike: Fins
sidehike: Fortress of Solitude
sidehike: Illumination often comes at the cliff's edge
sidehike: Don't bother me, I'm busy!
sidehike: The Chapel on the Hill
sidehike: She's Got Heart
sidehike: New London, Connecticut - May 2009