siddarth.machado: Time is perspective
siddarth.machado: Rainforest stream
siddarth.machado: Unreal turquoise
siddarth.machado: Flood banks of Seethanadi
siddarth.machado: Dorai gundi
siddarth.machado: Hill stream
siddarth.machado: Waterfall
siddarth.machado: Kapila hole
siddarth.machado: Kapila hole
siddarth.machado: Kapila hole
siddarth.machado: Hill stream in the Kapila catchment
siddarth.machado: Kapila hole
siddarth.machado: Kapila hole
siddarth.machado: Kapila hole
siddarth.machado: Netravathi Nadi
siddarth.machado: Netravathi Nadi
siddarth.machado: Neythravathi River
siddarth.machado: Hill stream under Homonoia bushes
siddarth.machado: Hill stream under Homonoia bushes
siddarth.machado: Neythravathi
siddarth.machado: Homonoia bushed in drying river bed
siddarth.machado: Kumaradhara hole
siddarth.machado: Kumaradhara
siddarth.machado: The valley
siddarth.machado: Evergreen
siddarth.machado: Addahole
siddarth.machado: Tropical river
siddarth.machado: Kapila hole
siddarth.machado: Western Ghats in the monsoon
siddarth.machado: Western Ghats in the monsoon