Julie Anne Noying: the girl in the window won't drop
Julie Anne Noying: ex girlfriends, cousins
Julie Anne Noying: mirez. with all my heart.
Julie Anne Noying: Stone studies, outdated negative
Julie Anne Noying: hugging trees
Julie Anne Noying: He brings flowers
Julie Anne Noying: reoccurring dreams
Julie Anne Noying: the forgotten one
Julie Anne Noying: its about the direction. you either arrive or leave.
Julie Anne Noying: lily of the valley
Julie Anne Noying: the mansion
Julie Anne Noying: church pig
Julie Anne Noying: silhouettes
Julie Anne Noying: Trees, outdated negative
Julie Anne Noying: winter is coming
Julie Anne Noying: Color burst, outdated negative
Julie Anne Noying: Color burst, outdated negative
Julie Anne Noying: lighthouse without light