Clara Hinton:
"If you don't eat this crab, I'm going to become a crab that is crabbier than this red, hot crab you see on this plate", said the mother!
Clara Hinton:
These little tootsies love wiggling in the beach sand!
Clara Hinton:
Cracked, broken, all washed up, full of dirt, and still...........beautiful! That is what we call LOVE!!!
Clara Hinton:
"Freedom comes to those who rise above the problems, clutter, and cares of life, spread their wings, and soar like eagles!!!"
Clara Hinton:
They fly through the air with the greatest of ease -- and so can you!!!!
Clara Hinton:
"Birds of a feather flock together -- but how about leaving some room for individuality?!?!?! :-)
Clara Hinton:
Without the rocky roads placed in our path, we wouldn't be able to fully appreciate the calm, peaceful beauty of the tranquil blue sky and sea.
Clara Hinton:
"We are known by the reflections we leave behind."