Clara Hinton: Dance like there's no tomorrow!
Clara Hinton: Alex took this picture of herself!
Clara Hinton: Alice and Richard Slimmins
Clara Hinton: Alex is tanning in the snow on March 17th.
Clara Hinton: Alex is such a cute little unicorn!
Clara Hinton: Alex - my ballet dancer!
Clara Hinton: Alex has something in common with Aunt Ruthie. They both like to play "Smash Up Derby"!
Clara Hinton: VAROOM! Look at Alex go!
Clara Hinton: Alex, the Snake Charmer!
Clara Hinton: Alex is so beautiful!
Clara Hinton: That's my Alex!
Clara Hinton: Alex's Jr. Prom 055
Clara Hinton: Alex's Jr. Prom 047
Clara Hinton: Alex's Jr. Prom 046
Clara Hinton: Alex, the pumpkin carver!
Clara Hinton: Can you believe my pumpkin creation?
Clara Hinton: "Just me and my baby under the 'ole apple tree."
Clara Hinton: hEy MoM!..........LoVE, aLEx