Clara Hinton:
The old wheelbarrow can still go!
Clara Hinton:
Yes, I dug this up all by myself!
Clara Hinton:
The new Martha Stewart!
Clara Hinton:
Working outside in the rain -- even before having my morning coffee!
Clara Hinton:
Spring flowers are gorgeous!
Clara Hinton:
These trees looked so beautiful in the soft rain.
Clara Hinton:
The big pine tree in the front yard
Clara Hinton:
There's nothing more beautiful than a light blue iris!
Clara Hinton:
Rhododendrons in bloom!
Clara Hinton:
Rhododenrons being watered by the rain.
Clara Hinton:
One of my flower gardens
Clara Hinton:
I remember when this was just a tiny twig!
Clara Hinton:
Can you see the rain pouring down the spout?
Clara Hinton:
My mother's day flowers
Clara Hinton:
The porch is wet from the morning rain