siberianpeachpie: Meet the storm
siberianpeachpie: Gathering in the east
siberianpeachpie: Moving east to west
siberianpeachpie: Columns of rain illuminated
siberianpeachpie: Sun begins to set to the west
siberianpeachpie: Assembling atmospherics
siberianpeachpie: The storm reflects the light source to the West
siberianpeachpie: Slowly the sun slips away
siberianpeachpie: While the storm is only a reflection
siberianpeachpie: Eastern edge of the sunset
siberianpeachpie: Sunset edge
siberianpeachpie: Intertwingling
siberianpeachpie: Transition
siberianpeachpie: The storm won't be outdone
siberianpeachpie: And sets the sky on fire
siberianpeachpie: The sunset pulls the ceiling over us
siberianpeachpie: Smoldering