Sibad: Jack Hargreaves 1930s
Sibad: Programme Conference, International Broadcasting Co
Sibad: Jack Hargreaves 1944
Sibad: Chub by Venables
Sibad: Jack & pup
Sibad: Jack on the beach
Sibad: Simon & Jack at Solva
Sibad: Jack & Bay on the beach
Sibad: Jack and Simon in Wales
Sibad: Jack & I at Hobbs Point
Sibad: Simon & Jack
Sibad: Caravan in Wales
Sibad: Jack reading in the caravan
Sibad: One: Jack Hargreaves re-enacts the funeral of Twm Siôn Cati
Sibad: Two: Jack Hargreaves re-enacts the funeral and rising of Twm Siôn Cati
Sibad: Three: Jack Hargreaves re-enacts the funeral and rising of Twm Siôn Cati
Sibad: Jack & me and Pewter
Sibad: Denys Rayner's Corvette 1961
Sibad: Danica 1961
Sibad: Jack 1957
Sibad: Polly on Hoppy
Sibad: Jack on Young Tiger 1965
Sibad: Young Tiger 1966
Sibad: Stan Bréhaut, cameraman for Jack Hargreaves
Sibad: Beacon Boat Company
Sibad: 31 Oct 1978
Sibad: Mum at Bagnor
Sibad: Jack with Bay & Lin 1984
Sibad: Biography of my stepfather
Sibad: Paul Peacock, Jack's biographer