siansparkles: The landing!
siansparkles: OK, I didn't account for the TV when it came to the re-arrangements
siansparkles: Blurred Dirk Bogardes at the top of the stairs
siansparkles: like the latin phrase
siansparkles: more favourites
siansparkles: love Molesworth
siansparkles: As my dear Bat pointed out....
siansparkles: Please, never let me have nothing to do at the weekend again.
siansparkles: A Ludlovian
siansparkles: ecclectic books at A&R's
siansparkles: next to be tidied....the desk.
siansparkles: ooh, lovely and neat.
siansparkles: Look, my poetry & Dirk Bogardes all together.
siansparkles: quiet organised you know.....
siansparkles: My treasured childrens books.
siansparkles: My Puffin Club membership...
siansparkles: DSC_1341
siansparkles: one empty shelf.
siansparkles: hum, two copies of Cranford there I see...
siansparkles: arrghhh, these are just from a few shelves & from piles on the floor!
siansparkles: Christmas goodies, books & buns!
siansparkles: what I was reading!
siansparkles: Have I enough books?
siansparkles: PB130682
siansparkles: my pressies
siansparkles: Books & DVD's
siansparkles: DSC_0374