siansparkles: Sam....have only just noticed the blood stains on his white coat!
siansparkles: now we are all going to die from some hideous disease, as we burned the glow sticks..
siansparkles: Blake, with glowstick.
siansparkles: Skulls
siansparkles: Disastrous jelly slice
siansparkles: Rick & Sam
siansparkles: Passing through two fires
siansparkles: Passing through two fires
siansparkles: Sam, giving speech
siansparkles: Doing the Timewarp,
siansparkles: oooh toasted marshmallows.
siansparkles: toasting marshmallows
siansparkles: all gathered around the fire
siansparkles: Trevor, Tim & table.
siansparkles: putting the bone on the bonfire
siansparkles: the food moved outside
siansparkles: Hommity Pie! A party must!
siansparkles: A jumbly with glorious Hommity Pie
siansparkles: food & drink
siansparkles: Burglar Tim
siansparkles: glow-glasses
siansparkles: Sylvie