shzy: more sakuras coming soon......
shzy: you can build a house
shzy: so...common
shzy: fake?
shzy: DSC_7569
shzy: what if you are standing there
shzy: DSC_7556
shzy: hang out
shzy: happy together
shzy: feet
shzy: pretty tough to wear those in a cold weather
shzy: look aside
shzy: 蒙胧geisha
shzy: lonely geisha
shzy: looks horrible with all those make-up...
shzy: pretty cute
shzy: Geisha making up
shzy: Geisha
shzy: 右看
shzy: 左看
shzy: painter
shzy: 背影
shzy: big breakfast
shzy: Sakura Sakura
shzy: DSC_7295
shzy: DSC_7300
shzy: DSC_7305
shzy: DSC_7306
shzy: DSC_7309
shzy: DSC_7319