shutupbirds: View from bed
shutupbirds: Hugo badcat
shutupbirds: General Cat
shutupbirds: Zelda window 3
shutupbirds: Zelda macro
shutupbirds: Zelda macro 3
shutupbirds: Zelda macro 2
shutupbirds: Zelda window 2
shutupbirds: zelda window
shutupbirds: Hugo bed 2
shutupbirds: Hugo bed 5
shutupbirds: Hugo bed 4
shutupbirds: Hugo bed 3
shutupbirds: Hugo bed 1
shutupbirds: Hugs and screen
shutupbirds: Hugs and wisteria 3
shutupbirds: Hugs and wisteria 2
shutupbirds: Hugs and wisteria 1
shutupbirds: zelda in the window
shutupbirds: zelda evil
shutupbirds: zelda looking out the window
shutupbirds: Extreme ear close-up...whoaaaaaaaaaa!
shutupbirds: Zelda and Hugo
shutupbirds: Hugo again
shutupbirds: All your laptop is belong to me!
shutupbirds: And some more Zelda
shutupbirds: Operation ATTACK MOMMY HAND
shutupbirds: Henry the High Up