shutupandscoot: Kybele hotel
shutupandscoot: Kybele hotel
shutupandscoot: more Kybele
shutupandscoot: Shelley and Emily
shutupandscoot: Topkapi Palace
shutupandscoot: Topkapi Palace
shutupandscoot: Topkapi Palace
shutupandscoot: Topkapi Palace
shutupandscoot: Topkapi Palace
shutupandscoot: Topkapi Palace
shutupandscoot: Topkapi Palace
shutupandscoot: Blue Mosque
shutupandscoot: Topkapi Palace
shutupandscoot: Topkapi Palace
shutupandscoot: Alexander's Sarcophagus
shutupandscoot: Alexander's Sarcophagus
shutupandscoot: Istanbul Archeology museum
shutupandscoot: Archeology Museum
shutupandscoot: Alexander's Sarcophagus
shutupandscoot: Archeology Museum
shutupandscoot: Archeology Museum
shutupandscoot: Lycian tomb in the Archeology Museum
shutupandscoot: Alexander's Sarcophagus
shutupandscoot: Pan in the Archeology Museum
shutupandscoot: Archeology Museum
shutupandscoot: good old Augustus
shutupandscoot: Sappho's eye
shutupandscoot: Archeology Museum