*Randee: Proof of Work
*Randee: Monoblock
*Randee: Cart
*Randee: The Signs of the Times
*Randee: The Chiaroscuro Effect
*Randee: Reflector
*Randee: The Passing of Time
*Randee: Learn to be still
*Randee: Offering... another shot
*Randee: The Worker's Shoes
*Randee: Grime
*Randee: I need you to guide my way
*Randee: San Antonio De Padua
*Randee: Chips in Basket
*Randee: Dining
*Randee: Offering
*Randee: Dining: A Closer Look
*Randee: Outrageously Orange
*Randee: The Tight End
*Randee: The Choice of Yesterday's Generation
*Randee: Plants are good for your health
*Randee: It is important to pay your Water Bill
*Randee: I need to fill up the missing pieces in my life...
*Randee: Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.
*Randee: Mineral Water
*Randee: Sto. Niño
*Randee: Angel in Tree
*Randee: Joy brings a comfort like no other...
*Randee: We cannot let another person into our hearts or minds unless we empty ourselves. We can truly listen to him or truly hear her only out of emptiness.
*Randee: First Car Photo!