Shutter Man: Blue winter
Shutter Man: Fabulous flowers
Shutter Man: Colorful bubbles
Shutter Man: Smokey Stream (3rd Place winner)
Shutter Man: Man holding a cornucopia.....
Shutter Man: Lilly piggyback
Shutter Man: Nature shows itself in many colors.......
Shutter Man: The dead are comforted by Natures blanket of color.....
Shutter Man: Bubbles
Shutter Man: undercarriage
Shutter Man: Lion fish
Shutter Man: sparkling feathers
Shutter Man: center of attention
Shutter Man: rear view
Shutter Man: It's been through a lot
Shutter Man: Pink (October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month)
Shutter Man: Orange flower
Shutter Man: The Black Pearle on Revere beach
Shutter Man: grasshopper
Shutter Man: fire flower (no idea) ;)
Shutter Man: Bending with trees
Shutter Man: Hawaian hibiscus flower 8
Shutter Man: Hawaii sea storm
Shutter Man: Virescent Green Metalic Bee
Shutter Man: dot matrix
Shutter Man: unopened
Shutter Man: Smokey Stream (Revisited)
Shutter Man: homemade spider signal
Shutter Man: Autumn Surounds the Cross
Shutter Man: Explosion of Color at the Base