litraturista (on & off): Bangui Windmills
litraturista (on & off): Bantay Church Bell Tower
litraturista (on & off): got my eyes on you
litraturista (on & off): he whispers sweet nothings
litraturista (on & off): "I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles..."
litraturista (on & off): simple pleasures
litraturista (on & off): i'd like an aquarium this big
litraturista (on & off): HOT : Happy Orange Thursday!
litraturista (on & off): "A weed is but an unloved flower."
litraturista (on & off): orange peppers
litraturista (on & off): “In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light...
litraturista (on & off): a storm is brewing