litraturista (on & off): after the rain
litraturista (on & off): take me to your leader
litraturista (on & off): red-nosed santa
litraturista (on & off): mushrooms mosaic
litraturista (on & off): hidden mickeys?
litraturista (on & off): I'm an ant too =)
litraturista (on & off): hottest new cam!
litraturista (on & off): Pick the day...
litraturista (on & off): simple pleasures
litraturista (on & off): "A weed is but an unloved flower."
litraturista (on & off): “In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light...
litraturista (on & off): "In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present."
litraturista (on & off): "There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."