.sarah444.: 100_3194
.sarah444.: another little friend
.sarah444.: DSCF2077
.sarah444.: DSCF2083
.sarah444.: Beaver
.sarah444.: tiny snail
.sarah444.: praying mantis
.sarah444.: DSCF5082
.sarah444.: woolly bear caterpillar
.sarah444.: Birdfeeder
.sarah444.: 12 / 365
.sarah444.: chubby cheeks
.sarah444.: 48/365 Itsy Bitsy Spider
.sarah444.: Portrait of a Snail
.sarah444.: 75/365 The Earthworm
.sarah444.: Spin Me a Web
.sarah444.: Tomato Hornworm
.sarah444.: Waspie
.sarah444.: Hello, Robin.
.sarah444.: Beach Bird
.sarah444.: Sleepy Fly in the Morning's Dew
.sarah444.: Dew Drop Fly