Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210808-PEEC-trail-stewards-with-artist-sarah-kavage
Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210808-rise-and-fall-carved-log-WIP
Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210808-volunteer-with-log
Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210808-volunteers-with-hatchet
Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210810-carved-canoe-with-PEEC-canoes
Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210810-rise-and-fall-carved-canoe-reciprocating-saw
Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210812-rise-and-fall-river-of-sticks-vertical
Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210813-the-rise-and-fall-river-of-sticks
Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210807-volunteers-scoring-the-log
Picture of the Day ...since 1997: 210813-rise-and-fall-survey-narrated-by-sarahkavage