**Shutterbug Gal**: Aloe Plant
**Shutterbug Gal**: Haworthia pumila
**Shutterbug Gal**: A pretty plant
**Shutterbug Gal**: Simplicity
**Shutterbug Gal**: Beauty fades over time, but it's the inside that counts
**Shutterbug Gal**: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
**Shutterbug Gal**: Haworthia pumila
**Shutterbug Gal**: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
**Shutterbug Gal**: Thinking about Spring
**Shutterbug Gal**: Pretty Flower
**Shutterbug Gal**: Bleeding Hearts
**Shutterbug Gal**: Pretty in Pink
**Shutterbug Gal**: African Violet
**Shutterbug Gal**: Cherry Blossoms
**Shutterbug Gal**: Pretty flowers!
**Shutterbug Gal**: Happy Mother's Day
**Shutterbug Gal**: Have a great Friday everyone!
**Shutterbug Gal**: Pretty in Pink